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Music lovers rejoice – we know music is good for your brain health overall! Music can aid in focus and concentration, and is deeply connected to our memories and recall. But what if you want to be more proactive? It’s never too late or too early to incorporate healthy habits. Evidence shows when we incorporate these habits, we have a better chance of reducing cognitive decline. Here are five ways music lovers can promote better brain health.

This post was written by Carrie Idol-Richards and our partners at Insight Memory Care Center. Visit their website and learn more:

Exercise your Brain

Challenging your mind is one of the best ways to promote brain health. This could be anything from games like wordle or sudoku to following directions like cooking a recipe or building furniture. For music lovers? Play name that tune! Research your favorite artist or composer. Turn on some music and listen for certain instruments, chord progressions, time signatures or tempo changes – anything to keep your brain active!

Exercise your Body

Engaging in cardiovascular exercise that elevates your heart rate and increases blow flow is great for brain health. Studies have found that physical activity reduces risk of cognitive decline, and to aim for 120 minutes of cardiovascular activity a week. The best motivator? A great playlist! Dust off your Walkman or sign up for a streaming service like Spotify or Pandora and take your music on the go. Finding some favorite songs to listen to on a walk will make the time fly by!

Prioritize your Sleep

Not getting enough sleep may result in problems with memory and thinking. Aim to have a consistent bed time, and a cool, dark place to sleep. Turning off technology – specifically screens – before bed can also help you wind down. Once the screens go off for the day, consider adding a little music to your bedtime routine! Listen to some calming music a half-hour before bed to unwind, or even some soft background music to lull you to sleep!

Learn Something New

Studies have shown that formal education helps reduce the risk of cognitive decline and dementia. Learning something new is basically another way to exercise your brain! Take a class at a local college, community center, library or online. Learn a new instrument, take a music theory class online, or even try singing in a chorus – Encore Creativity for Older Adults has a number of great options!

Socializing with Others

Staying socially engaged supports brain health. Find ways to be a part of your local community or share activities with friends and family. You can look for activities at senior centers, community centers, adult day centers (like Insight Memory Care Center!), faith communities, and through community organizations (like Encore!). You can meet a friend for a concert in the park, bring your family to see a local band play, or simply invite a neighbor over for coffee and enjoy a favorite album.

Insight Memory Care Center is proud to partner with Encore Creativity for Older Adults, the nation’s largest choral program for singers 55+, to offer a chorus for those diagnosed with early or beginning moderate Alzheimer’s and other memory impairments. The program promotes better brain health for both singers in the chorus, and their care partners, as they learn new skills and enjoy the all-important social aspect of choral singing!

To learn more about the Sentimental Journey Singers and other brain healthy activities, visit Insight Memory Care Center at or Encore Creativity for Older Adults at